Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Week 7 & 8

 This week we talked about measuring and interpreting data for test scores. I think this was the hardest week so far and I think that is because it is the week before the field and I am very nervous about the field. But I also think that the information that was presented was hard to really look closely on. Interpreting data has never been my strong suit and I think that it was hard for me to grasp the information. This week we worked on coming up with data in Excel and I think that was even harder for me because I have never gotten a lot of time in excel before this class

I think that the way the professor presented the lesson I could not really focus on the point she was getting across because I did not have a lot of time doing the average and making the tables. 

This image shows the part where we had to look at the individual parts of the lesson and that was the hardest part. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

Week 6- Reflection on Class


This week we talked about assessment and the different types of evaluation. this was a good review because at first, I was a little confused about the material and now it brings it all together. 

This is an excellent review because reviewing topics like this that are a little confusing help reinforce the meaning of these topics. 

I also liked how we reviewed ABCD and got to do more with it because it is essential. This with the alignment of the standard was something that was helpful when trying to think about writing objectives.

I think that alignment is an important part of lesson making because our lessons have to align to the standards.  

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Week 5- Learning Objectives and ABCD


What are learning objectives and why are they important? That is something that I said during my first couple of years of college because I remember seeing them on the board in the classroom but I was very unsure of what they were for and why they needed to be visualized in the classroom.

Now after learning about learning objectives and why they are essential I understand why they were up on the whiteboard in the classroom. Learning objectives are important because they set the stage for the lesson, they help the students and teacher know what the goal of the lesson is. I never thought that they were so important because I always thought they just had to be up there, I also never realized that the learning objectives are based on the standards I just thought they were for the lesson. Now that I know they are based on the standards it clicks in my head on why they are essential. Knowing what I know now about the learning objectives I want to display them in the classroom because it will help the students take part in their learning. I think that having students take that part in their learning will help them take responsibility and pride in their learning. 

I also found that the ABCD formula was kind of interesting I never thought about that before. The ABCD formula is the way to make an objective, it is an easy way to remember what needs to go into the learning objectives. 

A = audience which is who

B = behavior, what students will be able to do

C = conditions, materials, resources, and limitations for performing the behavior

D = degree, what level of criteria 

This is an example of a learning objective break down, using the ABCD formula. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Week 4- Bloom's Taxonomy


This week in class we talked about Bloom's Taxonomy and Webb's Depth of Knowledge. I think that these two scales go hand in hand. They both are a framework that helps with planning questions and instruction within the classroom.

     I really like Bloom's Taxonomy and plan to use it frequently in my classroom because it helps with creating assignments and really makes me think about where my students are developmental. 

This image is Bloom's Taxonomy framework and in each description, it talks about some verbs to use when making lessons and creating statements for each domain within the lesson or objective. I like how many domains this framework has and how well it helps write objectives in each stage of development. 

This is a picture of Webb's Depth of Knowledge or otherwise known as DoK. This framework has four domains rather than six. Dok is something that I would also want to use in my classroom because it hits points that Bloom's does not hit. I think that the domains are more straight to the point and there is less questioning about which verb or development level goes with which domain. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Week 3- Documentation


This week in class we talked about documentation and what it means to document a child's learning. Documentation is a dynamic record of child progress that can be done so many different ways, it can also include photos, the child's work, and graphs or drawings showing data and the inquiry and findings. Documentation helps drive instruction and helps keep a record of what the students know and need to know.

We also talked about the difference between conventional documentation and Reggio Emilia. 

In conventional documentation, we learned that it can be shown in various ways like collages, portfolios, student artwork, and graphs. However, with Reggio Emilia, we learned this way through first-person interactions where the student is the protagonist and the teacher is an attentive listener.

When I become a future educator I will have to be able to keep a record of all of my students that way my data and records can help me better gear my instruction. I want to be able to make a difference in students' lives and one of the ways I can do that is by keeping records and documenting everything. Documentation can help drive my instruction. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Week 2- Reflection


    This week we talked about different observation techniques and developing rubrics. 

There are different types of observation that we talked about in class such as running records, anecdotal records, time sampling, and event sampling.  

In my future classroom, I would use these types of observation in these ways. 

Running Record

  • a detailed sequence of behavior. 
  • I would use this type of observation: 
- I would monitor the reading behavior of students reading grade-level texts. 

Anecdotal Record

  • A brief description of a single incident
  • I would use this type of observation: 
- When and if I need to record a brief incident for an IEP or parent-teacher conference about a specific student involving their behavior academically or social-emotionally. 

Time Sampling 
  • When there is interest in determining the frequency of a particular behavior
  • I would use this type of observation: 
- I would be observing a student going off task and their behavior while completing a task. 

Event Sampling
  • used when there is interest in determining the frequency of a certain behavior
  • I would use this type of observation:
- When observing how many times a child has aggression during a specific time period 

In class we also talked about developing rubrics and I think that it was easier to think about developing a rubric but to do it like we did in class it was a little bit more challenging because we had to score based on grade level and what was appropriate. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Week 1- Reflection


        This week we talked about different types of assessments and rubrics.  

In my future classroom, I want to try to use all of these things to help better my teaching. 

    For example, I would you informal assessment in the classroom to check for understanding because that is very important in the classroom, I want to make sure that I am getting the content across to my students. Also, I am going to use formal assessment because it compares students performance and effectiveness in the program but mostly because formal assessment is state testing.

 What is informal assessment?                                                    

  • useful for teacher planning
  • It is something that is tested but not usually graded to help test students understanding
  • Such as Portfolios and Classroom activities

What is formal assessment
  • standardized testing
  • it compares performance of the students 
  • it compares effectiveness of the program
  • It is something that is tested and the data is collected to test what the students know, it is usually high stakes

Another example of using the skills this week that I want to use in my future classroom is rubrics.  I would use them to help organize the objectives on the project or activity that I was trying to teach the students Using rubic both analytic and holistic are very beneficial to the students and the teacher because it helps the teacher know what the base line grade is so everyone can get the same grade and it helps the students know what the teacher is looking for. 


           Analytic Rubric

  • This picture is an example of an analytic rubric. 
  • It's categories on the left hand side are 
1. Quality of Information
2. Crtical Thinking 
3. Collaboration
4. Professional Langauge 
5. Timeliness 
  • The categories on the top are 4 (Exemplary) 3 (Good) 2 (Marginal) 1 (Unacceptable) 

Holistic Rubric

This picture is an example of a holistic rubric 
1. The work does not show understanding of: 
2. The work shows a developing understanding of: 
3. The work shows proficient understanding of: 
4. the work shows exceptional understanding of: 

Week 7 & 8

 This week we talked about measuring and interpreting data for test scores. I think this was the hardest week so far and I think that is bec...