Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Week 4- Bloom's Taxonomy


This week in class we talked about Bloom's Taxonomy and Webb's Depth of Knowledge. I think that these two scales go hand in hand. They both are a framework that helps with planning questions and instruction within the classroom.

     I really like Bloom's Taxonomy and plan to use it frequently in my classroom because it helps with creating assignments and really makes me think about where my students are developmental. 

This image is Bloom's Taxonomy framework and in each description, it talks about some verbs to use when making lessons and creating statements for each domain within the lesson or objective. I like how many domains this framework has and how well it helps write objectives in each stage of development. 

This is a picture of Webb's Depth of Knowledge or otherwise known as DoK. This framework has four domains rather than six. Dok is something that I would also want to use in my classroom because it hits points that Bloom's does not hit. I think that the domains are more straight to the point and there is less questioning about which verb or development level goes with which domain. 


  1. I think separating ant showing a picture of each approach was well placed. By doing that made your blog easy to follow. I would also agree that both of these go hand in hand to help the teacher create the activities and instruction- Autumn Lersch

  2. I like the setup of your blog and the pictures help readers further their understanding of each method. I agree that Blooms Taxonomy can help in the classroom with creating objectives and assessments in a child's developmental process.


Week 7 & 8

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